Sea Otters and Their Role in the Ecosystem


Sea Otters: The Keystone Species

              Sea otters are a keystone species, meaning that without them, the ecosystem that they look over would be heavily impacted in a negative way.  The ecosystem that the sea otter looks over is the kelp forest.  The kelp forest is home to a multitude of aquatic creatures, such as crabs, aquatic snails, a variety of fish, sea otters, clams, eels, and even whales.  Kelp forests also have a heavy role in global warming, as they help take in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and convert it into oxygen through photosynthesis.  However, kelp forests are often invaded by sea urchins.  Sea urchins are able to eat through entire kelp forests if they are not held in check, turning the once abundant forest into a barren landscape, called ‘Urchin Barrens’.  Luckily, sea otters are one of the few animals that dine on sea urchins, and keep their population in check.  Without sea otters, sea urchins would consume entire kelp forests over time.

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